walls droitwich
250 m²
Earth Retaining walls
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The upgrading and widening of this suburban highway sees Leromur in use to create new retaining walls alongside the footpaths. It can be difficult to gain an impression of gradients from a single photograph but hopefully this one tells its own story.
With structures here generally up to 1.50 metres high the key feature was the need to step the foundations tangentially to the slope gradient. This was mirrored at the top of the walls where the 500mm wide split face Leromur units were reduced to 250mm wide and finished with a pre-cast coping fixed in place by epoxy adhesive, with steps being introduced as frequently as 1.00 metre centres.
With a length in the wall of just 200mm the Leromur units were easily able to accommodate the gradient and the varying plan profile of the walls. With a structural backfill reinforced laterally by Betonap woven geo-grids to a Betocalcul warranted design the dry laid walls were able to function immediately.