Paving Introduction
With no benchmark standardisation in place the selection of an appropriate grass paver can sometimes make for a difficult decision. This isn’t helped by misleading performance claims made by some of our competitors.
Here at Grass Concrete Limited we have adopted a no nonsense approach towards our customers requests for information. With a complete range of systems we are able to focus upon the most “appropriate” rather than the most “available”.
We don’t for instance over emphasise barely relevant laboratory bench tests to suggest the load bearing capability of plastic pavers, that are then laid in a wholly different environment and loading scenario.

With a long history of both supply and installation behind us we can draw upon our experiences to offer the most workable solutions.
“Sustainable Urban Drainage” is an often used expression that has gained significant credibility in recent years. Grass Concrete Limited first published papers on the subject more than 40 years ago and has been promoting its virtues ever since.
Whether it be concrete or plastic pavers we have a choice available backed by design assistance and for UK projects our own Contracts Division. Elsewhere around the world we have a network of licensees serving our grasscrete cast on site system that is still very much the leader in grass paving technology.