paving car park 7
La Coruña
Grasscrete GC2
15960 m²
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Repeat business is always welcome, especially on this scale with 5 phases now completed on this university site. The combination of daily use and potential for heavy traffic encouraged the specification of the 150mm thick Grasscrete GC2 system which has been used throughout the project.
With the whole order able to be shipped in just 5 No. containers from our UK factory the installation was able to be cost effective against what would have taken over 100 lorry loads of pre-cast blocks to supply from more local sources.
With no drainage installation required beneath the Grasscrete the need for surface falls was eliminated. This enabled successive phases to be constructed without the need to undertake extensive infrastructure work from the onset. Grasscrete provides a very simple formula for budgetary planning:
Total budget ÷ rate per m² = m² for Grasscrete of this year please, it’s as simple as that!
The layout for the parking included integrally cast solid concrete marking strips to enhance each bay. These were enhanced with yellow thermoplastic lines forming a tee-marker to each bay, that enabled easy parking for all except perhaps for the local Blood Transfusion Service who needed a little more room.