paving car park 5
Horsell Common
Grasscrete GC1
560 m²
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Creating a balance between the natural environment of an historic woodland and the needs of its visitors can a challenging proposition. The specification demands were particularly tough for this particular project with an insistence that the natural pH value of the local soils was not influenced by the development. This called for a close vetting and certification process for all suppliers to ensure that the pH balance was maintained this included all elements of the excavation and sub-base works that were also included in the package of works undertaken by our Contracts Division.
When completed the car park significantly replicated a natural forest copse, with the self-draining structure maintaining the natural ground water levels. With the 100mm thick Grasscrete GC1 in place it can now however accept traffic up to 10.8 tonnes making it an ideal picnic venue as well as providing maintenance access to the woods.
Car parking has been aided by the use of individual bay markers formed at 2.40 metre centres by the omission of strips of void formers during casting. The result is a car park that’s fully marked but without the use of painted lines that would have disrupted the natural appearance.
Also available as a full project report, please ask for further details