paving car park 2
Derbyshire County
Cricket Club
Grasscrete GC3
1820 m²
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Tradition has it that some expectant parents have travelled many thousands of miles to return home to Yorkshire for the birth of their offspring just to enable them to qualify to play for the County at cricket. In more recent times the County has relaxed the rule and just being good will now be reason enough to get you into the side. With these developments in place it’s now perhaps not so unspeakable that a Yorkshire company should play a major part in the construction of a rival’s ground. As was the case when we were asked to construct a new car park for Derbyshire County Cricket Club.
Modern sports venues now carry a much wider demand for use than for match days alone. It’s all tended to create a rethink in the definition of the term “overspill parking” that was once considered to be the solution to extraordinary demand. Now this can mean a daily use for corporate events calling for more than the parking in a nearby field option.
With this in mind a hard paved solution was sought by the cricket club but with the wish to maintain a green environment. A permeable paving layer was also on the shopping list to eliminate the need for costly offsite sewer upgrades.
With access limited to cars and light commercial vehicles the 76mm thick Grasscrete Type GC3 was installed and as the photograph of the early stages of growth suggests the scheme has quickly harmonised with its surroundings.