paving car park 1
Private residence
Grasscrete GC1
360 m²
Car park
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The desert climate of Kuwait is a tough testing ground for grass growth with summer daytime temperatures of over 45°c. This case study has been compiled to show the sustainability of Grasscrete in such a climate.
With the possibility of traffic up to 10 tonnes; 100mm thick Grasscrete Type GC1 was selected for this residential project with a large rear car park. With an early November construction programme the daytime temperature had cooled to a sufficiently respectable 35°c enabling casting to be carried out during daylight hours.
The incorporation of an irrigation system is vital to maintaining a healthy grass growth in such a climate and Grasscrete is ideally suited to the integration of a dedicated system. In y using the solid concrete edge strips to each bay for positioning; pop-up sprinklers could be installed to cover the whole area. The reinforced structure enables a network of feeder pipes to be positioned without risk of deflection from traffic load.
Also available as a full project report, please ask for further details