paving amenity area 2
Hampton Court
Flower Show
Grasscrete GC1
50 m²
Public art
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Perhaps we should run a caption competition for this photo, one early suggestion has been Pass me the wrench I think I can see what the problem is!
In reality what we have is public art display for the Hampton Court Flower Show. This centre piece display featured a vintage Bentley ‘gas guzzler’ falling to earth and metomorphosising along its way into a green environment. The effect was completed by a pond surrounded by Grasscrete in a display that was viewed by thousands of visitors as they arrived for the annual show.
The installation wasn’t without its challenges; accurate setting out was called for as well as the creation of vertical edge surround to the pond. Coloured concrete was used within the 100mm thick Grasscrete GC1 in a contrasting hue taken from the dark grey of the car.
To meet the tight timescale of exhibition build-up the soil pockets to the Grasscrete were filled with turfs cut to the pocket shape enabling the effect to be gained immediately.
As displays go it certainly caused a splash