paving amenity area 1
Blackpool Zoo
Grasscrete GC1
300 m²
Amenity paving
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How do you deal with difficult, aggressive and maybe even violent customers? Well the answer in this case might be to handover the bananas and run. In reality though the gorilla commune at Blackpool Zoo lives within an enclosure that enables their normal tranquil lifestyle to be maintained. This is an early photograph of the first enclosure that features an open space area and we think Lomie a female Lowland Gorilla. To replicate a grassed environment but cater as well for some fairly erosive footfall the 100mm Grasscrete GC1 system was installed here in the late 1970’s. with contouring to form a raised dais.
Over the years considerable studies of gorilla lifestyle needs led to the construction of the new ‘Gorilla Mountain’ complete with waterfall and woodland zone in an adjacent annex. Grasscrete was reintroduced here but with the added complication of needing to install by pumping concrete over the perimeter wall. Not the easiest of installations perhaps and certainly one with a need to be careful of not upsetting the neighbours!